Today marks the twenty-fourth anniversary of the death of Princess Diana, who passed away on this day August 31, 1997, and who was known by many titles, for her proximity to people, her humility and distinction from the rest of the royal family, as some see her as a different princess who did not surrender to customs and traditions that do not resemble her, She is also remembered by many as an icon in the field of humanitarian philanthropy.
Princess Diana (1)
Princess Diana (2)
Princess Diana cooperated with a large number of charities, and led many campaigns to support patients, including some difficult diseases to deal with, such as leprosy and AIDS. Through her fame and ability to influence, she was able to create a state of awareness about a number of humanitarian issues, and being a princess did not prevent her from being Closest to youth, children, homeless and other marginalized groups.
She did many charitable works such as visiting chronically ill patients around the world, and led campaigns to protect animals and also campaigns against the use of brutal weapons, in addition to that, she sponsored organizations and associations that help the homeless, young people, addicts and the elderly.
Princess Diana (3)
Princess Diana (4)
She was a hospital patron Royal Mardsen, known for its focus on pediatric cancer treatment, and Great ormond street hospital For children too, and in an interview with her about her work with a hospital Royal brompton hospital“I go at least three times a week, spending up to four hours at a time with patients, holding hands and talking to them,” she said.
Although she gave up most charities due to her divorce from Prince Charles in 1996, she was a patron of Centrepoint from 1992, until her death in 1997.
Princess Diana (5)
Princess Diana (6)
Beginning in the mid-1980s, the Princess of Wales became increasingly associated with many charitable causes, and as the Princess of Wales had to make frequent appearances at hospitals, schools and other facilities, making her a model of royal patronage in the 20th century. She did 191 official jobs in 1988 and 397 in 1991.
In June 1997, the princess attended receptions in London and New York to display a group of clothes that he wore on some official occasions for the purpose of selling them for charity.