Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that his country had expected the imposition of US sanctions due to the aggressive policy of the United States, stressing that the Russian response to the US sanctions would be based on the principle of reciprocity.
Lavrov called in a joint press conference with his Qatari counterpart on Wednesday, the United States not to ignore international law.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that the normalization agreements of some Arab countries with Israel should not replace a just settlement of the Palestinian issue, stressing the importance of forming the concept of collective security in the Gulf region in the interest of the parties in the region.
The Russian Foreign Minister called for intensifying efforts to achieve peace in Libya, and the need to reach a political settlement within the United Nations resolutions.
The Russian Deputy Foreign Minister said that the Russian-American relations are going from bad to worse, and we do not believe that this approach has been bypassed, stressing that Moscow does not trust that the new US administration will be ready to build healthy relations with Russia.
The Russian Deputy Foreign Minister added, in statements reported by visual media on Wednesday, that Moscow did not initiate contact with Joe Biden’s transition team, nor does it intend to do so.